

威尼斯人博彩 encourages and supports the scholarly endeavors of its 学生, faculty and staff. 学术工作和研究经常涉及使用人类参与者. All research involving human participants conducted at or sponsored by 威尼斯人博彩, whether funded or unfunded and whether conducted by 威尼斯人博彩 faculty or others, must comply with policies for the protection of human participants and must be submitted for review to the 院校检讨委员会. Researchers 五月 not solicit participant participation or begin data collection until they have obtained clearance from the IRB.

威尼斯人博彩 and federal policies require that projects involving human participants be reviewed in order to consider:

  • 参与者的权利和福利.
  • 确保知情同意的方法是否适当.
  • 调查的风险和潜在利益的平衡.

注意: It is expected that all research investigators will read all material on the IRB Web site and fully complete the application for IRB approval. The IRB will provide research investigators with more information regarding the protection of human participants upon request. 这不是IRB的目标或责任来评论 质量 研究设计或拟进行的研究.

不隶属于威尼斯人博彩的外部研究人员注意事项: 威尼斯人博彩无关的外部研究人员, 而是针对威尼斯人博彩的教职员工进行研究, 学生, 或员工, 必须在威尼斯人博彩找到一个合作者,比如联合首席研究员. The Co-Principal Investigator will be responsible for providing the IRB with all the necessary documents such as 一个完整的 IRB Application form (from 威尼斯人博彩), 适当的知情同意书, 招聘传单或广告, 工具:要使用的工具或措施, 联合首席研究员简历, 合作院校审核委员会的批准书, 一个完整的 进行研究的意向通知approved by the appropriate Vice President and any other supporting documentation.

请参阅 常见问题 以获得IRB职责和一般定义的总体概述.
一旦你确定你在进行人类参与研究, 请按照以下步骤完成审查过程. 请从你提交你的 完成 application, with all necessary attachments, for the review process to take place.

All researchers must show proof of having taken a training course on research with human participants. 你可以参加网上课程 国立卫生研究院网站,或者你可以提供修过类似课程的证明. If your research is being sponsored by or is connected with another institution which also requires you to obtain an IRB approval from them, please include a copy of that approval letter with your application to the 威尼斯人博彩 IRB, 或者表明你的组织意识到了你的研究.

If you plan to collect student data from the 威尼斯人博彩 Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Enrollment Management (IEEM), be aware that it can only be released according to regulations set forth by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). It is the responsibility of the researcher to work with IEEM to assure that the data will be available to you once you obtain IRB approval. IRB的批准并不保证IEEM会向您发布数据. 你可以在这里找到与FERPA相关的威尼斯人博彩政策.

请填写 IRB研究申请表, save the document by the name of your project, and submit the form as an attachment via e-mail to IRB@flmiamistore.com. Also submit the required forms and additional documentation as listed on the application form as attachments. (一定要为自己留一份.)

一旦提案提交, the committee will review it and make a determination as to the 状态 of the proposal. 该提案将分为四个审查类别之一:

有些建议属于其中之一 免除 联邦法规规定并由IRB确定的类别. 这些建议符合特定的法规和最低风险要求 五月 有资格获得IRB主席或IRB管理员的精简审查. 免除 提案不是免于审查,而是免于全体委员会的投票, 并且可能根据研究的长度而免于任何持续的审查. 只有IRB可以决定 免除 状态. 免除 reviews are normally faster than the full committee review and do not require a vote. The results will be communicated to the investigator in writing and also reported at the next IRB meeting. IRB成员可以要求讨论任何加速审查, 或者交由全体委员会审查.

以下类型的研究一般属于 免除 评审类别:

  • 在已建立或普遍接受的教育环境中进行的研究, 包括正常的教育实践.
  • 涉及使用教育测验的研究, 面试, 调查, 或观察, unless information is identifiable and disclosure would place participants at risk. (对儿童的调查和访谈研究也不例外.)
  • Research involving the collection or study of existing data if the sources are publicly available or the information is recorded in a way in which the participants cannot be identified.
  • 为研究和示范而设计的程序, 评估或检查联邦公共利益或服务威尼斯人娱乐城.

An 加快 审查包括IRB主席和一个或多个委员会成员的审查. 加快 reviews are for proposals that meet minimal risk standards as determined by the regulations and the Chair. 加快 reviews are normally faster than the full committee review and do not require a vote. The results will be communicated to the investigator in writing and also reported at the next IRB meeting. IRB成员可以要求讨论任何加速审查, 或者交由全体委员会审查.

Proposals that involve more than minimal risk must go through a full IRB review. 不符合豁免审查标准的提案, or proposals that the IRB Chair cannot Expedite because they require further discussion, 被发送到整个IRB委员会 完整的检查. The researcher 五月 be invited to an IRB Committee meeting to discuss the application.

一旦类别确定, the IRB Committee or designees will review the 研究申请表格 and recommend one of the following:

  • 批准: 提案符合法规和内部审查委员会的要求,研究可以开始.
  • 有条件批准: 一旦符合内部审查委员会的具体建议,将给予批准. 将以书面形式向研究者提出建议, and no research 五月 begin until a revised 研究申请表格 has been submitted and the revisions have been evaluated.
  • 提出: Not enough information provided on the Research Application to make an informed decision, 需要进一步讨论, 或者无法获得多数投票成员.
  • 不批准: Research proposal does not meet federal regulation or institutional requirements. 不批准的理由将以书面形式告知研究者.

一旦委员会审查了研究申请表, 将以书面形式通知首席研究员, 通常通过电子邮件, 的现状和建议. If approved, research 五月 begin immediately upon receipt of the official correspondence.

Please note that approval by the IRB does not constitute approval of the Office of Institutional Research and Enrollment Management (IEEM) to release student records.

The 威尼斯人博彩 IRB requests that you share the results of this research project with the IRB office when you have 完成 it. The data from your study could be very useful to grant writers and to others in the 威尼斯人博彩 system. 你将得到完整的作者署名.